This course is offered as part of the Extended Course 2020
This course would be taught by:
Teacher: Ustadtha Um Abdur Rahman
From Him we begin and He is our journey's end.
Explore the depth of the soul's journey to Allah.
A mystical journey of discovery on the road to Divine Love in the footsteps of the pious predecessors. Enlightened truths, teachings, and guidance connecting hearts to the Divine, unveiling the essence of Divine Love.
An intensive course in the Purification of the Heart taking you on a journey deep into the essence of your being……your soul, your heart connecting to the Divine rediscovering the primordial essence of our relationship with Allah which was, is and will always be based on Divine Love. Re discover this Love, re connect, re kindle arriving at Ma’refah – true Gnosis of Allah Most High.
Spiritually enriching, gives life to the heart and soul. Enlightened truths to navigate and live by in an increasingly materialistic and confusing world.
- An Inspiring Explanation of the Soul's Needs as it Journeys through life
Scale the Heights of the Spiritual Path
Concise, comprehensive and sublime sayings on self purification and guidelines
to help strengthen your relationship with Allah.
These words of wisdom have never failed to inspire, guide, and spiritually uplift the soul in these challenging times
Two Sessions to choose from:
Saturdays 9 am - 10 am
Thursdays 11.30 am - 12.30 pm
All Classes Livestream & Recording Available
All Classes for All Seekers at All times